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The Entheosis Institute is a non-profit organization devoted to helping people cultivate a lived experience of their extraordinary, or divine, Self through art, education, eco-spirituality and beloved community.

The Divine Light Descends

ZEGG Summer Camp

The Divine Indwells Within

The Divine Light Descends
04/29/22: "Rewilding the Pagan Soul: Albion, Ecopsychology and the Epigenetic Memory of Place." Ecological Spiritualities Conference. Harvard Divinity School.
02/17/20: "Spirit Marriage: Cultivating a Bonded Relationship with Spirits." Pantheacon. 11am. San Jose, CA
12/06/19: "The Celtic Faery Faith: Meeting Our Extraordinary Ancestors." San Francisco Theosophical Society. 7pm. SF, CA
Upcoming Events

We are currently planning some exciting new programs for 2023 and beyond, including both online and in-person classes and workshops. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know!
02/23/19: "Cultivating a Bonded Relationship With Spirit." Grindstone Wellness Center. Lyndonville, VT
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